I know this sounds like super lame and cliche clickbait, and I hate that, but I really don't know what else to title this as. I really do believe that if you were to follow this advice, you'd start to see a real difference in how you feel daily, especially if you currently are not exercising and generally unhappy with how your life is going.
The idea is to form habits on 3 key things that will help you be healthier and likely happier over the course of 6 months.
How to form those habits? By starting with a commitment so small that not only is it nearly impossible to make an excuse not to do it, but it's also such a small commitment that you're likely going to think it is useless. That is not the case.
The idea is simple:
Do each for 1 minute per day for a week. Then each week increase the length of time by 1 minute. Do this for 25 weeks. By the end, you'll be exercising, meditating, and stretching for 25 minutes each every day.
Don't think you can commit to all 3? Try just 2. Don't think you can commit to 2? Try just 1. When you think you're committed and then habit is engrained, add a second one.